Category: News

The Cybertronic Spree with Voyag3r concert dates announced

The Cybertronic Spree with Voyag3r dates announced! Mark your calendars for some concert dates with our robot pals, The Cybertronic Spree! Let’s party like it’s 1986!!! The Cybertronic Spree (rockstars in disguise) play music from The Transformers: The Movie, hit film and anime songs, and video game covers. They blend their love for the ’80s …

Killer Kabbage (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) is out now on Digital, CD and Cassette

Killer Kabbage (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack), the 5th full length album from Voyag3r is now available worldwide via all streaming services and on CD and Cassette from the bands Official Store! This 18-track album is the film score to the upcoming sci-fi/comedy movie entitled Killer Kabbage, written and directed by Jude Reed and Michael A. …

Killer Kabbage to premier at Motor City Nightmares in Novi, MI

We are excited to announce that we just got word that Killer Kabbage will get its world premier at the 2024 Motor City Nightmares Horror Convention and International Film Festival. The convention takes place July 26, 27 and 28th at the Sheraton Novi Detroit. Some of the celebrity guests that have been announced include: Tyler Mayne, Ray …

V3 Cast Episode 35 now up! Favorite Films from 1994, Flesh of the Gods and Killer Kabbage news

V3 Cast Episode 35 now up! Where were you in 1994? Do you remember your favorite movies from that year? Hard to believe that was 30 years ago! We discuss our top picks and dive into some of our favorite moments in each film. What are some of your favorite? Pre-Order the Voyag3r soundtrack to …

Voyag3r Announce Killer Kabbage (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Release

Killer Kabbage (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) gets a release date and first single now streaming worldwide on all major platforms! March of the Kabbage Heads on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube or Tidal New music from Voyag3r (pronounced Voyager 3) is now available via all streaming platforms! The single, March of the Kabbage Heads was released on …

Killer Kabbage Trailer Released

Killer Kabbage trailer released via their Official YouTube Channel. Tagline: Two warriors, from the future, are tasked to go back in time to prevent the great Kabbage apocalypse from happening in order to save mankind. Music composed by VOYAG3R. Written and directed by Jude Reed and Michael Dotson. First film festival appearance announced for Gen …

V3 Cast Episode 34 now up! Heavy Metal bands or musicians that changed the game and elevated the genre.

In V3 Cast Episode 34: Heavy metal has had many incarnations as well as ups and downs. In this episode, we pick one of our favorite bands or musicians that elevated the genre, changed the game and contributed new and refreshing approaches to heavy metal. What are your top picks that fit this definition? Let …

Killer Kabbage Selected for Gen Con Film Festival

Killer Kabbage selected for the 2024 Gen Con Film Festival! The film, scored by Voyag3r, plays on Saturday, August 3, 10:30pm. Grab your tickets here. Filmmakers from around the world gather to compete in the Gen Con Film Festival. Some travel from as far away as Australia and the United Kingdom to the Indiana Convention …

Movie Theater Massacre plays at San Diego’s International Mobile Film Festival (IMFF)

Movie Theater Massacre by Ian Courtney with the Apple iPhone 12 Pro. Ian filled every position from writer and producer, to director and cinematographer and finally bringing all the elements together through editing, visual effects and color correction. Ian will be flying in from Detroit, Michigan to present the film and participate in a Q&A. …

V3 Cast Episode 33 Now Up!

The guys in Voyag3r return with V3 Cast, Episode 33! In this podcast, Voyag3r talk about Collecting Cool Stuff! What are some of your most prized collectables? The guys share some  of their favorites as well as recap their recent concert opening for Zombi. Check out the video episode via the Official Voyag3r YourTube Channel …

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