Tag: mike dotson

Killer Kabbage on DVD out now!

Killer Kabbage on DVD out now from X4 Pictures. The sci-fi/comedy film written and directed by Michael A. Dotson and Jude Reed is now available on DVD. Starring Seth Roman Witucki, Keith Sciacca, Ryan Joseph Maurer, Stephanie Gurnoe, Loyd Kaufman and scored by Voyag3r. Tagline: Cage and Gibson are two warriors making their living while …

Killer Kabbage Selected for Gen Con Film Festival

Killer Kabbage selected for the 2024 Gen Con Film Festival! The film, scored by Voyag3r, plays on Saturday, August 3, 10:30pm. Grab your tickets here. Filmmakers from around the world gather to compete in the Gen Con Film Festival. Some travel from as far away as Australia and the United Kingdom to the Indiana Convention …

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